Mold, Asbestos, Lead, Silica, Industrial Hygiene, HASPs, Phase I ESAs.


Additional information, case studies, and thoughts concerning a wide range of environmental and industrial hygiene-related issues.

Job Site Entrance Screening for Coronavirus (COVID-19)

We are proud to now be able to offer Job Site Screening for symptoms of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Screening for sickness and fever should be performed at any job site where individuals may come in contact with other people and could potentially spread the COVID-19 virus.

Screenings will be performed by our highly trained industrial hygienists for all persons prior to their entrance to a job site.  The industrial hygienist will ensure that the employee is wearing a face covering and determine if the worker is showing obvious signs of sickness (coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, etc.).  The employee will then be prompted with a short, symptom-related questionnaire.

The screening will also include a body temperature check, to determine if individuals have a fever. Body temperature checks will first be performed by infrared touchless thermometers.  The infrared touchless thermometers will be pointed at the individual’s neck to collect a body temperature reading. If an individual is determined by the first check to have a fever, a second check will be performed using a digital thermometer with a disposable cover. 

Any individual who shows signs of sickness, answers “Yes” to any of the questions on the questionnaire screening, or is determined to have a body temperature above 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, (a “fever” as defined by the CDC), will NOT be admitted to the work site.

We are also offering preparation of site-specific COVID-19 Exposure Action Plans, with the purpose of reducing exposure pathways, sources of exposure, and routes of transmission of the virus within any job site. Lack of preparation, training, and execution of infection prevention protocols, may serve to worsen the spread of the virus. 

Please contact us today for a free quote for these services.

Thank you, and be safe!!

Steven A. Vena, CIH

President, Viva Environmental, Health, & Safety, LLC.
